You can make a difference in your community

Ways You Can Help

Wish Lists

Our agency appreciates the many in-kind gifts contributed throughout the year. We appreciate you considering a donation of any of the items from our wish lists below.

Please note, Third Street Alliance does not accept clothing, used mattresses/box springs, or used toys. If you are unsure your items can be accepted, please contact the appropriate department using the listed phone numbers below

Housing Stability

Contact Maybelline Jimenez


The Learning Center

Contact Nicole Recker



Contact Wendy Hughes


Wish Lists

Our agency appreciates the many in-kind gifts contributed throughout the year. We appreciate you considering a donation of any of the items from our wish lists below.

Please note, Third Street Alliance does not accept clothing, used mattresses/box springs, or used toys. If you are unsure your items can be accepted, please contact the appropriate department using the listed phone numbers below

Housing Stability

Contact Maybelline Jimenez


The Learning Center

Contact Nicole Recker



Contact Wendy Hughes



help change lives

Volunteers make many of our projects and events possible.

Some of our previous volunteer group projects include:

Painting Shelter Rooms

Helping At Events

Bistro Planning Committee

Tending Our Courtyard

Reading To Our Students

Holding a drive to collect products for our programs

Important note for future volunteers:

Certain volunteer roles require obtaining certain clearances to work within the building, including a criminal history check. You can begin the process by going to the E-PATCH website.

Thank you for your patience and we hope you understand that safety is our number one priority.

If you would like more information on volunteering please reach out via email.