By: Yvonne Toth
Assistant Director of Sharing the Caring
Each month on the back of our newsletter for our Sharing the Caring families we post things that we need if anyone is inclined to donate. The items range from cleaning supplies to craft items and bingo prizes.
Occasionally a special item, such as soil for planters or a Swiffer floor mop, is listed, too.
It’s not often that we get what we asked for almost immediately regarding the special items, but over the past year, one caregiver, Dr. Willard, has read the list and has consistently helped out.
He has donated the special items, often times within a week of receiving the newsletter. But his donation around the holidays floored us.
While dropping off his wife at the center, he told us he’d like to buy craft supplies for us as a holiday gift. While he would’ve liked helping picking out items, we suggested a gift card, instead.
Later that morning, he came back with a gift card worth $500.
We nearly fell over!
Because of his gift, the center has been able to purchase a number of items, such as specific paints, wood projects, artist canvas, new brushes, tacky glue and Mod-Podge and a lot more!
When asked why he wanted to donate to us, Mr. Willard said “because we are all family.”
We truly thank him for his donations, which have allowed us to clean up easily after cooking and craft projects, watch beautiful plants grow and explore everyone’s creative sides.
It’s donations like these that make an impact in our programs.
Peggy, showing off her art project