Exercise and music go together like peanut butter and jelly. Either is fine on its own, but together the experience is more pleasurable.
When it comes to exercise, music is a motivator – the faster or stronger the beat in a song, the more it pushes you to run faster, lift more or hold that plank just a bit longer.
But, did you ever think of conducting as exercise? Trained maestros know that waving your arms is a continual exercise, resulting in improved cardiovascular abilities, stronger muscles and strengthened core. That’s the idea behind David Dworkin’s innovative Conductorcise program, truly an exercise regimen for all ages. David visited Third Street Alliance this week and presented the program to both our Sharing the Caring adult day care clients and some of our students in The Learning Center. Waving conductor wands while moving their bodies, children and adults quickly learned how to participate and have fun.
Members of our staff became certified in the program, allowing us to incorporate this exercise into the daily activities in Sharing the Caring and The Learning Center.
Watch the video below to see how this program encourages exercise disguised as fun. Let us know if this is a program that you would enjoy!