Get social with Third Street Alliance

Social Media is a tool that helps us connect with others.

Social media allows the world to become a smaller and more connected, and hopefully leads folks to be more informed about what is going on around them.

It’s so popular that it’s almost blasphemy that someone can’t be found on Facebook. So much happens on Twitter that it’s hard not to look at in while you’re in the car—not driving, obviously.

Instagram makes the mundane look amazing.

Social media has its uses in marketing and communications. It can be a source of change and encourage others to get involved.

Third Street Alliance knows that our involvement on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram helps others see into our world every day and allows them to know us better.

That’s why we are taking on the hashtag #MansionWithAMission, which has been a tag line for the organization for quite a while.

Through this, we will share our mission – to provide a safe and healthy space for women, children and families to live, learn and thrive – with the rest of the Lehigh Valley and beyond. Please join us in this endeavor and help us share our stories.

The great thing about social media is that it’s personal and there are folks behind the screens who are very willing to interact with you.

So, this is our simple ask: Like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, @ThirdStAlliance, and on Instagram, @ThirdStreetAlliance.

When you’re talking about us, share a story or check in when volunteering, tag us, use #MansionWithAMission and share our mission with your friends.

-Lynn Ondrusek, Community Outreach and Communication’s manager

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