EASTON, Pa—Two long-time historic Easton non-profits have partnered up for the first time to provide a critical new program for the community called P.A.T.H W.A.Y.
Positive Approach Toward Housing for Women and Youth is a new partnership between The Children’s Home of Easton and Third Street Alliance for Women & Children. The program aims to support single women, pregnant women and young mothers, ages 18-24, to advance independence and find stable housing.

Third Street Alliance will identify candidates for the program through their current shelter program which focuses on getting unhoused clients the benefits, services and case management necessary to begin the journey toward stable housing. PATHWAY clients, after their initial stay at Third Street, will transfer to The Children’s Home where they will be placed in extended, non-congregate, shelter and receive additional resources and supports.
When candidates are ready, Third Street Alliance will assist them with finding stable housing through its Rapid Rehousing Program which provides financial rental assistance and ongoing case management.
We are very much looking forward to working collaboratively with Third Street Alliance in this pilot program PATHWAY,” said Anita Jo Paukovits, Executive Director of The Children’s Home of Easton. “We are bringing together a wealth of expertise, experience, and passion, with a common mission to make a positive impact and difference in the lives we serve. We are thrilled to be able to work together to serve those in most need, right here in our community.”
“We are thrilled to be joining forces with The Children’s Home of Easton on this new project,” said Alisa Baratta, Executive Director of Third Street Alliance. “By combining our different areas of expertise, we hope to create a program for young mothers that provides the tools necessary to develop stable foundations and ultimately secure stable housing for their family.”
Third Street Alliance is in the process of assessing participants for the program and both organizations will work toward results within the next six months to a year. Anyone experiencing, or at imminent risk of homelessness, can call 211 to be assessed before being referred to a shelter or housing program.
Third Street Alliance for Women & Children is a human services agency located in downtown Easton. We provide homeless services for women and families and a safe and affordable early childhood education for children 6 weeks old to 6th grade. Our mission is to inspire and equip women, children and families to live, learn and thrive.
The Children’s Home of Easton is a nonprofit organization established in 1885 that provides comprehensive care through professional staff who guide, support, and encourage children to believe in their own self-worth and reach their full potential. We serve dependent, neglected, and traumatized children who due to circumstances beyond their control are unable to remain at home and/or with their family. We work with both the children and their family of origin to achieve permanency and independence. We strive to prepare each child to cope effectively with the realities of life and to become a productive member of society. Our goal is to build, strengthen, and preserve every family’s full potential. We are dedicated to creating family solutions while teaching and remaining true to our four pillars: compassion, respect, integrity and perseverance.